Qualifiers and Matches for Bryant Classic Quarter Finals
Due to god knows what (no alcohol involved, but there may have been pizza! and it was Mothers Day) I missed Peter Rowe's scores, and he is in the mix ... apologies to Zac ... you didn't make it! Below are the updated qualifiers and matches.
Qualifiers and points
1. Peter O'Connor 82 points
2. Lucas McCann 79 points
3. Paul McKenna 72 points
4. David Kemp 72 points
5. Steve McKenna 72 points
6. Steve Belcher 71 points
7. Peter Rowe 69 points
8. Frankie Balter 66 points
1. Peter vs Frankie
2. Lucas vs Rowey
3. Paul vs Steve B
4. Kempy vs Steve Mc
If you aren't able to play next weekend on the 19 May, please let me know as soon as possible so I can re-jig the matches.
The other qualifiers in order are: