Three Diamond Cup is a competition that represents the player who has scored at least reasonably well on a consistent basis and also who plays the vast majority of competitions during the season.
Points are awarded to players for the best 10 scores recorded in the weekly results. The best score is allocated 10 points and the second best 9 points and so it decreases until 1 point is awarded for the 10th best ranked score. Should more than one player record the same score they will each be allocated the same points. In these instances the points allocated to the next best score will be one less than the preceding points allocation. For example in a stableford competition if the best 6 scores are say 40, 38, 38, 36, 36 and 35, the points awarded to those players will be 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, and 7 respectively.
Awarding of points will apply to all stableford and stroke rounds, provided there is no matchplay rounds being conducted on the same competition day. Points awarded in stroke rounds will be based on the nett stroke score, except for Club Championship qualifying rounds. For these two rounds points will be awarded based on stableford scores.
Points awarded to players are tallied over the full competition with the player with the highest tally of points being declared the winner. Prizes will also be awarded to players placing 2nd and 3rd. In the case of any ties there will be joint winners and/or placegetters for the best 3 ranked scores.
Only Saturday competitions will form part of the Three Diamond Cup.
Match-play, Ambrose and Pairs do not qualify for the Three Diamond Cup.
Players must be financial by the conclusion of the membership grace period, i.e. March 31 to be awarded Three Diamond points. If players become financial after the grace period they will be allocated points only from the time they became financial onwards.
See below for the current standings (to 01/02/2025) in the 2024/25 Three Diamond Cup competition.