Eclectic Standings 2024/25

The Eclectic competition is designed to determine who has played each hole in the least played strokes over an entire season, i.e. March to February, taking into account player’s handicaps, to provide all players with an equal chance to win.

The formula used to determine a player’s eclectic score is to sum their best score on each hole over the season to produce a best gross score. This score is then reduced by player’s “adjusted” handicap to produce their nett score. The calculation for the “adjusted” handicap is their actual course daily handicap at the conclusion of the last competition day, divide by ¾ . For example a player records 65 for their best gross score over the 18 holes and has a handicap of 12. Their nett score is calculated as 65 – (12 x 0.75). That is 65 -9 which equals 56.

There are no placegetters in the Eclectic Competition, only the winner.

Only Saturday competitions will form part of the Eclectic competition. Scores for Eclectic competition can be drawn from any competition format, i.e. Stableford, Stroke or Match play, but does not include Pairs nor Ambrose. In the case of Stableford and Match Play the hole must be completed by the player, i.e. no pick up, for the score to count.

Winner Steve Belcher

Click Read More for final standings for 2024/25 season.

Name  Nett
Steve Belcher 50.5
Trevor Bown 52.5
Huan Do 52.5
Viet Vuong 52.75
Liam Coleman 53
Anthony Bryant 53.75
Thi Phan 54
Kym Tolius 54
Dana Sreng 54.5
Colin Priest 55
Rick Beal 55.25
Jeff Gould 55.25
Paul Johnson 55.5
Peter O'Connor 55.5
Robbie Dale 56.75
Michael Taylor 57
Jamie Cornelsen 58.25
Kym Rowland 58.5
Frank Balter 58.75
Jim Buckley 58.75
Graham Mann 58.75
Jarrod Rowland 59.5
Sal Nordin 59.75
Graham Hunt 60.5
Nick Cirillo 61
Trevor Moyle 61
Angus Dandie 61.25
Haydn Coleman 61.75
Jason White 61.75
David Kemp 62
Michael Sreng 63
Sunny Chaleunxab 63.25
Paul Levett 65
Graham Simounds 65.25
David Clarke 66.75
Othaya Kumar 67
Steve McKenna 68.5
Arthur Chaleunxab 73.5
Penny Pearce 75
Souksavanh Louaneviseth 78.5


Gender: Male/Female
Grade Winners Heading

Ambrose 22/2/2025

Sponsor Penny Pearce & Kym Tolius

Rick Beal NTP's 2 & 12 Birdie Hole 7
This Saturday is The Ambrose Teams Stableford format. the Club is hitting off at 11.40 am. Please arrive by 11 am. If you are intending to play in the comp please ensure you have your name on the tee sheet by no later than Wednesday evening. Competition fees preferred payment is EFT anytime before the round or Cash on the day.
Winner of Rd 10 of the Summer Cup with 35 Points was Tony Bryant


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February 2025
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